Why do we need to manage stress before deeper healing can occur?
Well, I’m so glad you asked!
We’ve all been walking around living in survival mode since childhood.
If you’ve ever felt like a walking zombie, just getting through each day instead of fully enjoying it, then stress is taking over.
AKA: surviving not thriving
From the beginning of our existence, we’ve been told to go to school, sit at a desk majority of the day (which hinders movement and creativity), go to college, spend tons of money on a (sometimes useless) degree, get a job, never stop working hard, ask for promotions and raises, get married (shelling out more mula), have children (moms have the highest cortisol levels out of anyone), do more, do more, do more.
Woooo, wow, where’s the relaxation and thriving part of that? Even just mentioning it is exhausting.
This has been ingrained in us our whole life. No wonder why we feel “lazy” or “unproductive” if we rest and take care of ourselves. We’ve even been programmed to feel guilty for missing work if we need to take a sick day. Insert repressed childhood trauma here.
As you may have noticed by now, stressors have always been around us, and will always be around us.
All the time.
Unfortunately, stress is deemed “normal”. Which is a sad truth.
There’s no way to become completely stress-free (as wonderful as that would be). So we might as well learn how to manage it.
Read below on why it’s important to not ignore stress and tips to overcome.
But first: Let’s start with some basic stress relief.
Wherever you are right now take a big breath, release tension in your jaw, smile, relax your shoulders, and let any tightness in your body go.
Now, read on.
Why is it so important to notice when you’re stressed?
You may be wondering why it matters.
Maybe you feel like you already handle stress pretty well.
Or you feel like you do a good enough job at ignoring it.
But let me ask you this:
Are you always tired? Is your body tense? Do you feel burnt out or overwhelmed often? Do you often get headaches? Is it hard for you to sleep well? Does negative self talk creep in a lot? Do you get triggered super easily? Do you always feel like things need to be perfect?
Your body is talking to you at all times. Your job is to learn to listen to it.
If you feel as if you can never get enough rest, then it’s most likely your body holding on to elevated stress levels.
Now let’s talk about why it’s important to notice stressors:
To your body it’s all the same: STRESS.
Get stuck in traffic? Stress occurs and your body goes into fight or flight mode.
Get into a car accident? Stress occurs and your body goes into fight or flight mode.
2. If you’re stuck in a state of stress then your brain can’t hold any other information/ processes for healing
If you’re on a healing journey and you are/have tried journaling, affirmations, etc. and it’s not sinking in, then it may not be. You’re not going crazy. Chronic stress slows down other body systems which causes many side effects: including brain fog and memory issues. This can greatly impact healing. If your mind is clouded and having trouble organizing thoughts due to stress, then understanding healing processes just won’t happen. At least, not to their full effect. For lasting happiness & self-regulation, then managing stress is key.
3. Stress keeps your body stuck in fight or flight mode.
This means your body is not relaxed and your stress hormones (cortisol being one) are elevated. It also means that your other bodily systems (including your digestive and immune systems, amongst others) are suppressed and not working at an optimal level. Your whole nervous system is out of whack. Constantly getting sick and/or having gut issues? Stress is likely the culprit.
4. Chronic stress puts you at a higher chance for disease and illness.
Expanding from topic #3, if your body is weighed down by elevated stress levels then your immune system is compromised. This puts you at a higher chance of getting sick more often. You may notice more headaches, having a hard time sleeping, poor digestion, etc.
This can all be due to stress and if stress isn’t managed properly, then it will lead to worsened, long-term symptoms. Including, but not limited to:
High blood pressure
Panic attacks
Weight gain
Types of cancer
Heart attack
I don’t know about you, but I definitely don’t want to up my chances with any of those.
So, what can you do about it?
Easier said than done, I know. It’s a simple process but not an easy one.
Unresolved stress could be the reason you feel clouded, stuck in the past, depressed, anxious, or whatever it is that’s at the forefront of your life.
Stressors will always be around, but if you learn how to effectively manage them then you create more space in your life for the good things.
You create space for healing.
You create space for loving (yourself & others).
You create space for happiness to enter your life.
Don’t let stress hold you back.
Create the life you want for yourself.